Saturday 21 April 2012

Exercise : Holding pens and pencils

Here I am experimenting with a variety of drawing instruments, in all cases I found that the closer I held the drawing instrument towards the tip the greater control I had over the marks I was making, including the amount of pressure I could apply.

With charcoal I needed less pressure to make a mark on the paper,  given this I felt that I able to produce more interesting/varied marks whilst holding the charcoal stick in away that reduced the amount of control I had over what was happening on the paper

Pencil (HB) held near tip:

Pencil (HB) held near center:

Pencil (HB) held at top:

Graphite stick (6B) held near tip:

Graphite stick (6B) held near center:

Graphite stick (6B) held near top:

Charcoal stick held near tip:

Charcoal stick held near center:

Charcoal stick held near top:

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