Sunday 11 November 2012

Exercise - Plotting space through composition and struture

In this exercise  I have done a number of studies were I am trying to get to grips with aerial perspective, trying to build into the drawing a sense of space by using tone and in some cases details to give the suggestion of a number plains or depth i.e., foreground, mid ground and background.

1) Hedge and gate and tree on the  left make up the foreground, the mid ground is the field on the other side of the gate  and the background is described by the hedge row and distant trees on the opposing side of the field.

2) Colour study (water soluble colour pencils) of the same scene:

3) Colour sketch of a photograph taken in the lake district, far bank of the lake defined by the lighter tone:

4) Re-worked the boat house sketch, clearly defined foliage on the nearside of the lake, darker tones to the stems to help give the appearance of the object being closer to the viewer. Boats on the far side of the bank drawn in a slightly lighter tone to emphasis the sense of distance/ space between the two sides /banks of the lake. Dark area of trees around the boat house to help define this building (note., not as dark as the stem of the weeds/ foliage), mid ground and the tree line beneath the sky is the background. Overcast day so not reflections on the lake.


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