Monday 8 April 2013

Exercise - Fabric with line and form

For this exercise I decided to start with a pillow, fewer indents/folds. Started with a pencil but soon introduced charcoal as I felt this would speed up the process (not very patient), allowing me to quickly block in the darker tones.

I think the drawing reflects the form of the pillow, helped by the strong light source. Not entirely happy with the rendering at the end of the pillow, right hand side... could make it clearer which fold of material overlays which.

Sea Scout's scarf and woggle, this one done in a combination of pencil and colour pencil

Sea Scout's scarf and woggle, this one done in oil pastel. 

I think both drawings of the scarf reflect the qualities of fabric but perhaps I need to use a bigger piece of material to demonstrate more of the various types of folds.

Pipe fold: Pipe shaped fold
Diaper fold: Two tension points closer together than the cloth is wide
Zig-zag fold: Crumbled sleeve, back of leg of trouser
Spiral fold: Folds wrapped around a form
Half-lock fold: Material turns back on itself
Drop fold: Drop fold vertical pipe fold (curtains)
Insert Fold: No underlying activity, such as the above scrunched scarf

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