Friday 22 March 2013

Exercise - The longer pose

Aware of the fact that it took me a lot longer that I hoped to get the last section of the course completed, I am going to use whatever resources are available to me in attempt to keep up the pace with my studies. My daughter already asking me to reschedule this,  the longer pose exercise.... That wasn't the deal I have already paid for your concert ticket! 

Anyway, I have found a copy of the OCA Drawing Figures supplement and will use this until models become available...

Following drawings down in pencil (3B). Around forty minutes spent on each drawing and in both cases feel that I have managed to capture the  characteristics of the pose. In the first picture below even though the chair has not been added, I believe given the position of  the knees, hands on the lap that you can  make out the model is in seated position.

When drawing both pictures I am conscious of how different features related and in this way checking that there are know measurement issues. In the drawing below I was aware that the hand resting on front leg was in line with the model's ear.

Also paying attention, even though clothed, as to how the legs connect to the torso, some of the drawings in the previous, short pose exercise suffered on this point.


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