Sunday 17 March 2013

Exercise - Quick poses

Here I have drawn my wife reading a book,  as instructed starting with the 2 minute sketches. I soon realised that I didn't have to get the marks down quite as quickly as I initially thought. There was time to both consider measurement and have a finished sketch that convey enough information to be understood by the viewer.

When considering measurements, mainly,  I am thinking about the edges of the shoulders the position of the elbow and knee joints

1st two minute sketch

Last  two minute sketch (sketch number 5)

Time allowed for the following sketches was ten minutes each. In both drawings I used the time to add more detail rather than focus as,  I probably should have done, on measurement however the problems only really became apparent after the time was up and I studied the finished drawings

Ist ten minute drawing,  legs too short...

2nd ten minute drawing, started drawing on a smaller scale to leave from for the legs. As with all the drawings I started with the head.  Still a problem with the legs, that or the torso is too long... anyway these two parts of the body don't marry-up as I would like.

Life Class (14th April)

Several 1 minute studies of model in various poses. Drawing the studies on one sheet of paper and in some places overlapping figues gives a sense of movement.

3 minute study. With more time, you can start to observe the model less of a rush to get the marks down on the  paper.

3 minute study

5 minute study

5 minute study

10 minute study, more time so I can add in some background detail.

20 minute study. As the time increases, I find I can move away from a purely linear representation of the model and can start to add in tone

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